Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shout out!

I wanted to give a shout out to my English friend Rachel (yes,from England).She and I decided to exchange some goodies after I saw these amazing little hearts she made. She also made these cute hair clips for my girls...sooooo cute!Go check out her blog It's amazing...she is ubber talented.Thanks again Rachel!
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  1. Oh thank you so much Julie! I just received my parcel in the post this morning. The flowers are really lovely and I can't believe how many alphabet sheets you sent. Thank you so much! We should definitely do this again, it's so much fun. XxX

  2. Oh just answered my question on FB. So happy you like! What should we exchange next?lol!!!

  3. I've got the new Sassafras Wee Bundles for Sweetly Smitten and Ellies Tale, I could swap you some pages of that if you like for some more random supplies? XxX
