Thursday, March 17, 2011

Et voilà le résultat final !
Il y a aussi l'option de couper chaques filtres en pointes pour un autre genre d'effet.
Et voici le résultat !
J'espère que ça répond aux questions de tout le monde.Merci de vos messages et n'hésitez pas si vous avez d'autres questions.Posted by Picasa


  1. That's a great idea, it looks much easier than the tissue paper method! Thanks for sharing your tutorial. :)

  2. I hope you understood? If you want, I can write it in english on gmail?

  3. Yes I think I get it, you don't have to re-write it for me. I use google translate for the bits I can't read. But thanks, it's really kind of you to offer. I'm looking forward to the swap and I think I would be happy with just about anything you'd send, I think we've got pretty similar taste. :)

  4. Wow! Très inspirant! Je crois que je vais devenir fan de ce blog aussi :-)
