Monday, January 30, 2012

Ateliers St-Valentin

 Voici les ateliers à l'école des Hauteurs (seulement) pour la St-Valentin. Atelier suçon allumette: Vendredi le 3 février à l'heure du midi.
Atelier bonbonnière carte: Vendredi le 10 février également à l'heure du midi.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

And last but not least...

When I went boxing day shopping ,I got the Tin Holts rosettes maker. Well....let me tell you how much fun these are to make!

I was on a roll. I have lots more but those I'll keep for next years posts.So now I'm done with Holiday scrapbooking. On to my classes and workshops at school.
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Ok! So I couldn't wait !

I want to move on to Valentines day stuff so I'm gonna get rid of all the X-mas stuff I neglected to put up.

These are gift card envelops I made for 2 young boys. Didn't want to get all frilly on them so I made these very simple.
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A little late but...

...I still wanted to post them now and not keep them for next year. I would probably forget about them if I did that.

So these are the last Christmas cards I made with my super duper October Afternoon papers.

Did I mention how much I love this line?

I have more X-mas stuff I forgot but it's not cards. I'll keep it for the next post.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

B-day cards

I'm a little late posting my latest stuff because I'm working on projects for my advance classes.I'll be putting them up very soon .Classes start next wednesday and monday (the 30th).Papers: October Afternoon.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Un petit cadeau

J'ai eu une commande pour un ''clip board'' très scintillant et fifille.La photo n'est pas très bonne car je l'ai prise le soir mais faites moi y a du brillant la-dessus!!!Quelle plaisir de créer! J'espère que la petite a aimée!?!
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