Sunday, March 8, 2009

Belles Trouvailles****

Sur la rue Queen West a Toronto, j'ai fais la découverte d'une petite boutique de savons tellement adorable!!!Celui-ci est a la lavendre et mangue et ne coute que 5 $. Si le coeur vous en dit, voici leur info:
Tous leurs produits peuvent se commander sur le web.

Ensuite ,pas une nouvelle trouvaille car elle existe depuis logtemps, mais je ne pouvais pas la trouver a Montreal alors quand j'ai vue ca au Eaton Center......AAAAAH!
C'est la bague de rouge de ANNA SUI...un peu plus cher que le savon mais tellement plus "timeless" !!!! Je l'adore , c'est meme pas drole!!!!

Back from Toronto!

Well I'm back from my trip to TO...My home away from home.I was so happy to show the kids where mommy used to live and work! Even if I lived there 7 years,I never went up the CN tower ,so I decided to take the girls.....ooooh it was high!! But lots of fun!
I got to hang with my BFF Michelle and her new hubby....He is so nice and cool!!!! He's a doesn't get cooler than that!!

We went shopping all day was FABULOUS! We spent hours in the Eaton Center and went to a cupcake shop on Young street. And I finally got to go to one of the best food store...WholeFoods!! Yipee!!!! I wish we had that store in Quebec...Oh well, I can dream!

And I got to see my funny and sarcastic friend John, who wrote a great movie that I hope will get picked up some day! Hang in there John...I believe in you! Well, lots of fun was had by all!!! Can't wait to go back and see everybody again and see also the friends I didn't get to see!!! Oh, and I can't wait to go back on Queen street West at the White squirrel cafe to eat the most awsome ice cream in the world...ROASTED MARSHMALOW ice cream. Yumm!